In September, 2023 the RML project was featured in a week-long artist residency and artist talk and book exchange event at 37 Looe Street, Plymouth, UK. 37 Looe Street is a wonderful small-scale arts centre in an historic site that once held a larger regional art centre and vegan restaurant. Angela Piccini and Sef Penrose have taken on the property with a mandate to offer residencies and events that serve a local arts ecosystem. The talk and book exchange was an evening event that was jam-packed with content, people, and artist book exchanges.
The artist talk and book exchange was an opportunity to focus on the most recent RML publication, Henry Frederick Terry (1907-1980) ~ I Remember by Ginger Mason (Victoria). Ginger Mason joined the event on zoom from Canada and graciously took part in the discussion. The story of Mason’s grandfather’s origins in East London and migration as an underage farm labourer to Canada had resonance for those at the event who knew of the London locations Fred Terry left as a 12 year old.
The event also noted the delivery of Renegade Library Box #14 to 37 Looe Street’s emerging artist book collection. The location has been uploaded to the global RL map. Like most of the other boxes I carried RL Box #14 in my luggage. At the event we toured through its contents: 22 book objects from the 1998 exhibition (Renegade Library, Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba), a copy of the original catalogue that was sent to each of the participants in 1998, a few additional related items that were generated following the exhibition, a DVD copy of Margaret Dragu’s Verb Woman: A Discreet Dictionary, the RML library, and bosque brotante.
Also available for exchange at the 37 Looe Street book exchange were print copies of these books that I brought in my luggage:
- Franci Louann, Charlie Henry Workman (1897-1976) ~The Unspoken
- Graham McGarva, A Long Story, this…
- A.B. Godfreed & SAAN, On Loss: Two Poems from Ghana
- Gabriel Awuah Mainoo, We are Moulting Birds
- Jay Kophy, Walking on Water
- Misti Ko, The Migration Pattern of a Single Human
- Crista Dahl, The Migrators
In the place of RML books and the RL Box, these delightful items from the book exchange came home with me:
- Tim Britton, The Leak (a full colour, coil-bound, graphic tale of a safari aimed at resolving a gush of water; produced by Forkbeard Fantasy, Somerset, UK, in 2015).
- Mo Bottomley and Mélisande Fitzsimons, Tractatus de armore et de armorisiemedio (hand written song lyrics performed by Bottomley and Fitzsimons on August 16, 2023).
- Dr. Sana Murrani (project lead) and participants, Ruptured Domesticity: mapping spaces of refuge in Iraq (documentation in the form of cards and poster from a 2023 exhibition hosted by LSE Middle East Centre and LSE Arts Atrium Gallery, London). https://ruptureddomesticity.org/
- Dr. Sana Murrani (project lead) and participants, Refugees Mapping Memories: An Exhibition of Creative Recovery (pamphlet from a 2019 exhibition at <UNDER>[behind KARST], Plymouth, UK. https://mappingcreativerecovery.org/
- Sef Penrose, Episodes in two flats and an office (small colour zine published by 37 Looe Street, Plymouth, UK).
- Merrydith Russell with others, Neighbourhood 1. / Series 1:3 2021 (one of three publications responding to approaches to neighbourood in Kingston Upon Thames).
- Clare Thornton, Materials of Resistance (a publication produced in conjunction with a 2018 solo exhibition of the late Clare Thornton at the Plymouth Arts Centre, the location now occupied by 37 Looe Street).
- Lisa Watts, Four Hundred and Twenty-nine Significant Momements: Documenting an Artist’s Research and Processes (a hard covered, multi-coloured document reflecting on Lisa Watts’ 2013-2014 performance art hosted by Spacex in Exeter, Vane in Newcastle Upon Tyne, and The Tetley in Leeds). Lisa Watts was the inaugural Clare Thornton Memorial Residency (CTMR) artist at 37 Looe Street in 2020.

Lois Klassen