Like the mounds of textile waste accumulating in our lives and around the globe, my meditation cushion is filled with mixed and unknown fibers. Most fabrics currently in global circulation are a blend of synthetic (petroleum based) and natural …
LFP Titles
Renegade Library Box #13
From 1996 to 1998, Renegade Library was a social practice and a collection of over 500 artist books. Originating with a mail art call for “collaborative mail art in book form,” this project brought over 700 artists from some 40 countries into …
Renegade Library (poster)
Besides it suitability in covering a wall, this poster serves as a catalogue essay and wrapper for the 2015 Renegade Library box edition. …
Reading the Migration Library (full boxed set)
Renegade Library Boxes
From 1996 to 1998, Renegade Library was a social practice and a collection of over 500 artist books. Originating with a mail art call for “collaborative mail art in book form,” this project brought over 700 artists from some 40 countries into …