Recently some published and unpublished writing from Hebert Poll Gutierrez arrived. Gutierrez, who lives in Calgary, became acquainted with RML when he attended Tertulia: Artist Book Publishing by American, Canadian, and Mexican Artists that was …
RML Mail Art
Comforting Mail Art
What a comfort to see a colourful envelope filled with collage cards in the mailbox in depths of winter. The mailing came from Victoria-based mail artist, Ginger Mason. Besides Mason's honeycomb COMFORTER card, it included a hand-stitched card from …
The Grapes of Steinbeck
Following up on connections made at last month's Vancouver Art Book Fair, Juan Cisneros Neumann's Grapes of Steinbeck was exchanged (in person!) for a few RML and LFP titles (Carlos Colín, Tierra y Libertad / Little México, Gabriela Galíndez, Notas …
Studio notes on a camera obscura
Earlier this month a beautifully illustrated folded flyer arrived in the mail box. Without adhesives or binding, this piece of mail art could be described as a postcard, a booklet or a structure that mimics, in its unfolding, a visit to Brenna …
Exchanging Files at the Fair
This year's Vancouver Art Book Fair that just ended, offered alternatives to commercial circulation of physical objects that is typical in this vendor-style event. As a proponent of free digital and mail art book exchanges, RML noted some …