Leah Decter is an inter-media/performance artist and scholar who divides her time between Treaty 1 territory and Kjipuktuk/Halifax, where she is an Assistant Professor in Media Arts and Canada Research Chair in Creative Technologies at NSCAD University. Working from a critical white settler perspective her solo and collaborative art and research practices address and disturb social-spatial dynamics of settler colonial whiteness through the ethic of being-in-relation. Decter holds MFA in New Media from Transart Institute and a PhD in Cultural Studies from Queen’s University. She has received numerous grants and awards for her artwork and research, and has exhibited, presented and screened her artwork widely in Canada, and internationally in the US, UK, Germany, Malta, Australia, the Netherlands, and India. Decter’s artwork has appeared in publications including Fuse Magazine, Studio, Craft and Design in Canada, C Magazine, the Journal of Canadian Art History and Border Crossings. Her recent publications include texts in Qualitative Inquiry and Performance Matters Journals, chapters inMaking (Eco)Logical: Locating Canadian Arts in the Environmental Humanities, and, with co-writer Carla Taunton, Unsettling Canadian Art History and Settler Responsibilities Towards Decolonisation, as well as a special issue of PUBLIC Journal co-edited with Carla Taunton titled “Beyond Unsettling: Methodologies for Decolonizing Futures.”